
Grade 4

© 2012, GIA Publications, Inc.

Item #: B-B04409     Status: Available

ZIP for $8.58


This bundle includes:
1. A digital PDF of the Teacher Resource Guide from the Teaching Music textbook
2. An mp3 recording of the work

An epinicion (epp-ih-NIH-shun) is an ancient song of victory sung at the conclusion of a triumphant battle. The Greeks would sing it as they walked through the battlefield sorting the wounded from the dead. Written in 1972, Epinicion is the composer’s personal abstraction of war in general and the Vietnam War in particular. The approximate length of this work is six minutes.

There is no printed key signature, as this work utilizes twelve-tone techniques. Symbols used for the various aleatoric effects are clearly described in the printed rehearsal notes on the score but not in the parts.


Format: ZIP